by Steve Nesnidal, MD, CPC, AHFI

The American Dental Association® (ADA) will add 28 new CDT codes effective January 1, 2021, along with seven (7) code revisions, four (4) code deletions and 22 editorial changes. Among the new CDT code additions for 2021 are two (2) new coronavirus testing codes and a code related to counseling for the control and prevention of adverse oral, behavioral, and systemic health effects associated with high-risk substance use.
For information about 2021 CDT code additions for image capture only, read our previous blog post titled, “2021 Dental CDT Code Changes Include New Image Capture Only Codes.”
Code Updates for COVID
The two new 2021 CDT COVID related codes in the Diagnostic Category of Service are D0604 and D0605. D0604 is for use in reporting antigen testing for any public health related pathogen, including Coronavirus. D0605 is for use for antibody testing in this context.
Substance Abuse Codes Now Include Vaping
Per the ADA, substance abuse includes ingesting, injecting, inhaling, and vaping. Substances used in a high-risk manner may include but are not limited to the following:
- Alcohol
- Opioids
- Nicotine
- Cannabis
- Methamphetamine
- Other pharmaceuticals or chemicals
There are existing CDT codes for tobacco counseling and for nutritional counseling, but there was no previous code for counseling for high-risk substance use.
Context4 Healthcare Keeps Customers Up-to-Date
All Context4 Healthcare data products will contain updated 2021 CDT codes. Our Fraud Waste and Abuse edits will also be armed to detect inappropriate billing patterns associated with these new CDT codes.