by Steve Nesnidal, MD, CPC, AHFI

The FDA has authorized these first two COVID-19 vaccines (produced by Pfizer and Moderna) for emergency use during the pandemic. The effective dates of these six new COVID-19 VACCINE CPT codes correspond to the dates of the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA):
91300 (Pfizer vaccine toxoid) code effective 12/11/2020
0001A (Administering Pfizer vaccine, first dose) code effective 12/11/2020
0002A (Administering Pfizer vaccine, second dose) code effective 12/11/2020
91301 (Moderna vaccine toxoid) code effective 12/18/2020
0011A (Administering Moderna vaccine, first dose) code effective 12/18/2020
0012A (Administering Moderna vaccine, second dose) code effective 12/18/2020
Three more COVID-19 vaccine codes released
Three additional toxoid and admin COVID-19 procedure codes were added by AMA, in advance of the FDA’s EUA date for the AstraZeneca forthcoming vaccine. These three latest codes are:
91302 (AstraZeneca toxoid) date pending
0021A (Administering AstraZeneca vaccine, first dose) date pending
0022A (Administering AstraZeneca vaccine, second dose) date pending
More information about these three new codes can be found here: