by Steve Nesnidal, MD, CPC, AHFI

Throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the AMA has released many COVID-19 related CPT codes to facilitate accurate reporting and also to allow detailed research of COVID-19 related vaccination events and trends.
Upcoming Approval for CPT Codes
Most recently, on 2/1/2022, the AMA released three more specific COVID-19 CPT Vaccine codes, for use in reporting vaccination with Pfizer’s latest toxoid of patients between six months to five years of age. Although these codes have been released, they will not be effective until the date an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) is granted by the FDA. Pfizer’s latest toxoid code is:
- 91308- For reporting the Pfizer 3 mcg/0.2 ml Tris-Sucrose SARS CoV-2 vaccine toxoid
As with the previous COVID-19 Vaccines, AMA has also released two specific codes for use in reporting administration of the above toxoid:
- 0081A – For administration of first dose of Pfizer’s Tris-Sucrose COVID-19 3 mcg/0.2 ml toxoid
- 0082A – For administration of second dose of Pfizer’s Tris-Sucrose COVID-19 3 mcg/0.2 ml toxoid
The EUA date for these three codes is estimated towards the end of February.
How Providers Will Use the Codes
The appropriate administration code should be reported by the provider that administered that specific dose of 3 mcg/0.2 ml Pfizer’s SARS CoV-2 vaccine toxoid to a patient between the ages of six months to under five years. This administration process includes answering questions by the parent/caregiver about the vaccination. In the event the administering provider assumed the cost of the toxoid, 91308 should also be reported.
Context Always Monitors Updates
Context4 Healthcare is monitoring the AMA real-time for their latest information on this as well as other pertinent topics. After they become effective, all current COVID-19 CPT codes will be incorporated into both our products and our edits, and our clients will be updated.
For more details of all AMA COVID -19 CPT codes, view the AMA’s COVID -19 CPT coding and guidance webpage and/or the AMA’s COVID-19 Vaccine Access Tool.